Q & A

This is a Questions and Answers section. It should be some common questions that you might have. I will add more in the future if I see the same questions pop up. If you would like to ask me directly, please use the contact form. Thank you!

What is this website about?

  • This website is my personal blog, I will be talking about networking and computer in gerenal. This is more of a story driven posts rather than being techinical since it depict my personal experience and my thought process. So I guess this more of an entertainment blog but hey I do not decide how you viewed the site

What is my posting schedule?

  • I will try to post once a week. The first day of the week begins on Monday so I’m hoping to have a post up by Monday of every week

What is my credential and why should you listen to me?

  • I’m just a random guy on the internet so there is no credential to speak of and why should you listen to me? well, you shouldn’t. As I mentioned before, I’m just a random guy on the internet and talk about something I’m interested in. Does that make me an expert of some sort? Absolutely not, Always takes what you see here with a grain of salt (or as much salt as you like…I won’t judge😉) and do your own research.

Why did I start the website and what do I hope to achieve?

  • I mentioned why do I start this site and my personal story in my first post Hello World! . I wanted to make a change to my personal life and If by chance it managed to help you that is a plus.

What is the best way to reach me?

  • You can reach me if you have any questions or suggestions using the contact from HERE