Hello world!

Hello world!

Well hello there! I didn’t expect to see anyone here but here you are

So you might be wondering, what exactly is this website about? 🤔 . I supposed you probably have guessed from the name of the website but let me tell you a story…or just a short explanation.

I am very grateful for what I have: a full-time job, a roof over my head, and some leisure time to waste on binges watching shows and YouTube… I don’t think I am alone in this and yet deep down I felt like something is missing and why do I always feel like I could be doing something yet I did not. It was a very vicious cycle of high on dopamine then felt guilty afterward knowing I could have done something more productive with my time but I was so unmotivated to the point of does not even want to get up from my bed. My life up until now could be described as “uneventful” to put it nicely or boring if I would be honest. Of course, there is nothing wrong with a boring life, it means things are steady and in some people point of view, a steady life is a good thing. However, I don’t want to live like this knowing when I look back twenty, thirty years from now and ask myself, what have I accomplished throughout my life? I doubt I would be able to recall anything since my life has always been steady so there isn’t much to say. I usually looked back on my journey and fantasy if I have known what I know now, I wonder if I have made a different choice in the past? Would my life change by those choices and could I live a better, more fulfilled life? In short, I was regretting my decision but then I realized, I am still doing the same thing I did and my course is still the same so what is the point of regretting if I am not going to change it. So I made my decision to start to change my course of action, it is not going to be a 180-degree change overnight since we all know it is impossible(at least for me) I want to change things incrementally starting with being more productive. So one day, while I was laying in bed (I know, I know but changing I hard okay 😅) I asked myself what is something that I was remotely interested in that I could talk about and what is something that I’m so terrible at that could use some improvement. My idea was to pair the thing I’m interested in and the thing I hate and doing terribly at and see if I can make an improvement. Thus this website or blog is the product of that. I am interested in networking and computer in general and I absolutely hate hate hate writing( mainly because I am a terrible writer who could not even get any points across) I remember when I was writing an essay for my classes, I asked one of my friends (We shall call him Mr.H) to help me proofread. After reading through my paper, he looked at me with a confused look on his face and asked if I could explain to him what I mean in this paragraph(the first one out of many 😢 ) I look at it told him “It is okay that you don’t understand it, me neither”. I am also can’t draw, I believed I have no artistic ability whatsoever and it has been proven to be true throughout the year. The best I could do was stick figures so I will be throwing it in here once in a while so everyone can get a good laugh.

This website or blog is a challenge I made to myself, I want to make sure I do something productive to start with. This is strictly for me so I don’t have the high expectation of making it big or anything of the sort but if by chance someone found this interesting and either start their own life-changing journey or learn something from this then it is a bonus for me and I would be happy to hear that I did make a difference. Let’s me explain the challenge I set, I will be updating this blog once a week starting from when this post is up (probably Monday) so I will be strict with myself and set a goal of at least 1 post per week if not then I will fail the challenge. Of course, I can cheat a little as I made some padded content so I have something to fill the quota (it is better than nothing okay! 😛) If I don’t have anything up for a week and a half then the first person who called me out will get 5$(PayPal/gift card or a tab) Of course no botting involved as I know some of you computer wiz is good at writing scripts to do it automatically. Use the contact form to reach me and I will be looking at the time stamp on that (If I do fail my challenge that is😈)

I have two series in mind: How I… and What I understand about… Here is the explanation:

The How I… series will be me writing about how I did something (usually install some software, doing some setup…) It is pretty much just recorded the process and maybe some notes and reflection during that process and what I have learned from it.

The What I understand about… series will be sort of my explanation to a topic that I think I might have some understanding of. Of course, this doesn’t mean that I’m correct, I just described how I understood it and will put it in the simplistic term (this will be most of my padded content come from 😎)

I made them into categories so you can distinguish between the two (if the name doesn’t already give it away) and the uncategorized will mostly be for announcements and stupid posts like this one 😬

Last but not least, thank you to anyone who is taking their time reading this. I hope you have a great day and I’m looking forward to hearing any feedback you might have (please be nice). I will also put a Q&A page on the site so you can take a look HERE.

Best Regards,
