Smart home misadventures : Ecobee Smart Thermostat. Part 3

Hello there. It has been a week since the last post (If things go according to plan) glad to have you back for another post. Last time, I went through the installation process for my smart thermostat…well, at least physically. Now that the device has been installed, we need to set it up and make sure it works. Without further ado, let’s get started. Shall we

Setting up the devices

Before proceeding further, ensure you have installed your smart thermostats correctly and the devices are action turned on. If not, you will need to go back and figure out where you messed up since I can’t help you with that 😜.

The device is now powered, and we can see the welcome prompt.

Of course, there are 2 options we can go from here. One is set up from Ecobee App, using our smartphone. It should be very straightforward as long as you follow the instruction. The other one is set up on the device itself. I decided to choose the latter option; however, the choice is yours. Either will work so long as the device is configured and functions correctly. Then it doesn’t matter how you set it up, am I right? Using the device touch screen, hit let’s get started.

I would love to say that I am a pro, but we all know that is not true, so homeowner it is. Select and hit next.
Remember the wired we have connected on the back panel? For my case, this applied to me, my HVAC only has 1 Red wire, and according to the manual, I should have it in the Rc slot. Hence why there is a prompt to verify my wire configuration. Hit next.
This will ask us to confirm the wiring, making sure all the slots are appropriately connected. Otherwise, it will not be displayed. If you find any wire missing, you might want to backtrack, make sure that the wire was installed correctly, and make good contact. Once everything looks good and nothing is missing, hit Yes.
My setup was as basic as it can be, just a standalone HVAC unit with nothing fancy attached. Next.
This depends on your preference, and I went with Fahrenheit. Next
It will ask if you use a furnace or boiler for the HVAC. My house uses a furnace, so that I will go with that.
These options will ask if you want your fan controlled by the thermostat’s sensor or the furnace’s current temperature rate.
Next is the exciting part, you get to name your thermostat. With my infinite wisdom and creativity, I came up with an original name for my thermostat, and I shall name it…thermostat.😂

Well, it looks like this is all we have for this week. It is a good stopping place, too, since we have done the initial setup. The next post will be the configurations and Wi-Fi setup for the devices to unlock all the smart features. Until next time. Have a wonderful week.


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